heatmaply 1.0.0 – beautiful interactive cluster heatmaps in R

I’m excited to announce that heatmaply version 1.0.0 has been published to CRAN! (getting started vignette is available here)

What is heatmaply?

heatmaply is an R package for easily creating interactive cluster heatmaps that can be shared online as a stand-alone HTML file. Interactivity includes a tooltip display of values when hovering over cells, as well as the ability to zoom in to specific sections of the figure from the data matrix, the side dendrograms, or annotated labels.
The package aims to be compatible with gplots::heatmap.2 so you could take code written for it and just change the heatmap.2 command to be heatmaply, and get the interactive version of the plot (although with slightly different, improved, defaults for colors and dendrogram ordering). Thanks to the synergistic relationship between heatmaply and other R packages, the user is empowered by a refined control over the statistical and visual aspects of the heatmap layout.

What makes heatmaply great?

The change from version 0.16.0 to version 1.0.0 is to indicate the maturity of the package. It is to reflect the following facts:

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heatmaply: an R package for creating interactive cluster heatmaps for online publishing

This post on the heatmaply package is based on my recent paper from the journal bioinformatics (a link to a stable DOI). The paper was published just last week, and since it is released as CC-BY, I am permitted (and delighted) to republish it here in full. My co-authors for this paper are Jonathan Sidi, Alan O’Callaghan, and Carson Sievert.

Summary: heatmaply is an R package for easily creating interactive cluster heatmaps that can be shared online as a stand-alone HTML file. Interactivity includes a tooltip display of values when hovering over cells, as well as the ability to zoom in to specific sections of the figure from the data matrix, the side dendrograms, or annotated labels.  Thanks to the synergistic relationship between heatmaply and other R packages, the user is empowered by a refined control over the statistical and visual aspects of the heatmap layout.

Availability: The heatmaply package is available under the GPL-2 Open Source license. It comes with a detailed vignette, and is freely available from: http://cran.r-project.org/package=heatmaply

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shinyHeatmaply – a shiny app for creating interactive cluster heatmaps

My friend Jonathan Sidi and I (Tal Galili) are pleased to announce the release of shinyHeatmaply (0.1.0): a new Shiny application (and Shiny gadget) for creating interactive cluster heatmaps. shinyHeatmaply is based on the heatmaply R package which strives to make it easy as possible to create interactive cluster heatmaps.

The app introduces a functionality that saves to disk a self contained copy of the htmlwidget as an html file with your data and specifications you set from the UI, so it can be embedded in webpages, blogposts and online web appendices for academic publications.

You can see some of shinyHeatmaply‘s capabilities in the following 40 seconds video:


Installing shinyHeatmaply

From CRAN:


From github:


Running the app/gadget

The application has an import interface as part of the application which currently supports csv, txt, tab, xls, xlsx, rd, rda. You can start the app using:

# If you didn't get shinyHeatmaply yet, you can run it through github:
# runGitHub("yonicd/shinyHeatmaply",subdir = 'inst/shinyapp')
# or just use your locally installed package:
runApp(system.file("shinyapp", package = "shinyHeatmaply"))

The gadget is called from the R console and accepts input arguments. The object defined as the input to the shinyHeatmaply gadget is a data.frame or a list of data.frames. You can start it using the following code:


#single data.frame


You can see an example of a saved shinyHeatmaply output here. Or view the following iframe:

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heatmaply: interactive heat maps (with R)

I am pleased to announce heatmaply, my new R package for generating interactive heat maps, based on the plotly R package.


By running the following 3 lines of code:

heatmaply(mtcars, k_col = 2, k_row = 3) %>% layout(margin = list(l = 130, b = 40))

You will get this output in your browser (or RStudio console):

Continue reading “heatmaply: interactive heat maps (with R)”