Calling R lovers and bloggers – to work together on "The R Programming wikibook"

This post is a call for both R community members and R-bloggers, to come and help make The R Programming wikibook be amazing.

The R Programming wikibook is not just another one of the many free books about statistics/R, it is a community project which aims to create a cross-disciplinary practical guide to the R programming language.  Here is how you can join:

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Call for proposals for writing a book about R (via Chapman & Hall/CRC)

Rob Calver wrote an interesting invitation on the R mailing list today, inviting potential authors to submit their vision of the next great book about R. The announcement originated from the Chapman & Hall/CRC publishing houses, backed up by an impressive team of R celebrities, chosen as the editors of this new R books series, including:

Bellow is the complete announcement:
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New edition of "R Companion to Applied Regression" – by John Fox and Sandy Weisberg

Just two hours ago, Professor John Fox has announced on the R-help mailing list of a new (second) edition to his book “An R and S Plus Companion to Applied Regression”, now title . “An R Companion to Applied Regression, Second Edition”.

John Fox is (very) well known in the R community for many contributions to R, including the car package (which any one who is interested in performing SS type II and III repeated measures anova in R, is sure to come by), the Rcmdr pacakge (one of the two major GUI’s for R, the second one is Deducer), sem (for Structural Equation Models) and more.  These might explain why I think having him release a new edition for his book to be big news for the R community of users.

In this new edition, Professor Fox has teamed with Professor Sandy Weisberg, to refresh the original edition so to cover the development gained in the (nearly) 10 years since the first edition was written.

Here is what John Fox had to say:

Dear all,

Sandy Weisberg and I would like to announce the publication of the second
edition of An R Companion to Applied Regression (Sage, 2011).

As is immediately clear, the book now has two authors and S-PLUS is gone
from the title (and the book). The R Companion has also been thoroughly
rewritten, covering developments in the nearly 10 years since the first
edition was written and expanding coverage of topics such as R graphics and
R programming. As before, however, the R Companion provides a general
introduction to R in the context of applied regression analysis, broadly
construed. It is available from the publisher at (US) or (UK), and from Amazon (see here)

The book is augmented by a web site with data sets, appendices on a variety of topics, and more, and it associated with the car package on CRAN, which has recently undergone an overhaul.

John and Sandy

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